Sunday, January 27, 2013

My hidden gluten problems...

So instead of a food post today, I thought I might give you some tips.  My husband and I just took our son out to eat for his birthday to a really nice steak house in our city.  (I do NOT miss children's birthday parties, party bags or bringing home more presents than a sugar- high child needs)  Anyway, I had NO BREAD, CRACKERS, or CROUTONS.  I instead had a wonderful steak, a baked sweet potato, and a salad with balsamic vinegar dressing.  NO GLUTEN.  Within 20 minutes I was sick.  I did not finish eating, and took the remainder of my meal home in a box for the 17 year old to devour as a late-night $30 snack.

I could not imagine what in the world I could have eaten to set off the roaring mass exodus of food in my stomach? It's like being in the first trimester of pregnancy all over again.  Who needs that?  NO ONE

There are a few things it could have been, and this is why you need to be great friends with your server. Always let them know you are gluten free!  Some will look at you with the the most puzzling look, like you just asked them to bring you a live monkey with a hat. Just say, "I can't eat wheat". You and I know there is more to it than that; but come on....they're young and confused. 

So, the bacon bits in my salad could have had gluten, they could have forgotten and picked off the croutons, or the steak could have been cooked on a grill that had previously cooked a gluten coated meat or vegetable.  (That is known as cross contamination)  Either way, don't let it get you down and let situations like this increase your love for healthy cooking at home!   Like this beautiful loaf of gluten free bread I made earlier in the day...Amazing right?

Well I go to eat a piece for my pity party of one and wouldn't you know it.  I open the butter and THERE, in the NEW tub of butter, finger marks.  Teenagers!!!! UGH We have knives.  Sharp knives, serrated knives, butcher knives, cutting knives, peeling knives, we even have a carving knife, a salmon knife, and a cleaner knife.

But I guess you have to go inside a drawer, use it and put it in the sink in order to butter bread.  God gave you fingers for that right?  WRONG  Remember, I'm a mom, a clean freak, I just had a gluten induced 'moment' and there are KNIVES in my house.  Use one! (or I might)

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